Battering Intervention

Battering Intervention and Prevention Program & Anger Management Program

Men & Women's Family Violence Intervention and Prevention Program

24 week Battering Intervention & Prevention Program. Focusing Families BIPP is accredited and funded by Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) - CJAD. BIPP classes consist of groups for family violence offenders, in which offenders are held accountable for past abusive behavior and taught the fundamentals of leading a nonviolent lifestyle. Although BIPPs work directly with offenders, the underlying goal of these programs is to enhance the safety of battered men, women and their children. Texas Legislators and family violence advocates worked together to form a system that establishes a method through which agencies working with family violence offenders must be accredited as operating in compliance with BIPP guidelines. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Community Justice Assistance Division (TDCJ-CJAD) is the governing agency for BIPP programs.

The following intake/group sessions are available in Brenham and Hempstead. Intakes are completed over the phone. Orientations will take place in person.  

We offer several convenient group locations as well as a virtual option if assessed as eligible for virtual participation.


Intake / Orientation Fee : $55 non-refundable

Group Session:
24 Weekly Sessions
1.5 hr group sessions / week.
Fee / Session based on Income level.

Anger Management Program

Anger is a common human response experienced by persons of all ages, backgrounds, and education. For some people anger is a serious problem. Anger is often viewed as an immature or uncivilized response to frustration, threat, violation, or loss. Conversely, keeping calm, coolheaded, or turning the other cheek is considered more socially acceptable. This can result in inappropriate expressions of anger such as uncontrolled violent outbursts, misdirected anger or repressing all feelings of anger when it would be an appropriate response to the situation. Anger that is constantly “bottled up” can lead to persistent violent thoughts or actions, nightmares and even physical symptoms. Our goal is to help individuals learn emotional control skills for living happier, more peaceful and successful lives. Anger management is a process of learning to recognize signs that you're becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger management doesn't try to keep you from feeling anger or holding it in. Anger is a healthy, normal emotion when you know how to express it appropriately. 

Our Anger Management Program is a 4 week, 8 hour program.  We meet once a week for 2 hours.  It is only offered virtually via Zoom at this time.  The cost is $40/group session. As with BIPP, participants should reach out to me to complete an intake over the phone and enroll in the program.  

For more information please contact the Family Resource Services Coordinator at 979-826-3290

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